School Improvement
At the TEAM Education Trust, we use the talents and expertise of our staff to enhance the provision across all our schools.
We have members of TEAM Education Trust who are highly skilled, long-serving education practitioners with exceptional knowledge within their field of work. To align their work to the improvement of the wider Trust, they are appointed as Trust Champions.
Sometimes, the focus needs even more support - it needs to be highly targeted, specific and result a rapid impact. If this is required, and inline with our QA schedules, we call upon our School Improvement Partners to support our Champions to enable focused support to impact on whole school improvement.
The Trust has a full complement of highly experienced practitioners who work full time for the Trust or on a contracted consultancy basis. The scope of support offered covers proven specialists in all stages of education from EYFS, Primary and Secondary, plus alternative provision.
Trust Champions
Our Trust Champions lead Networks within our schools to drive forward continuous improvement and ensure we remain in touch with the latest developments in education whilst supporting a momentum for excellence. Visits are made to schools by Trust Champions on a termly basis to identify areas for potential support and to help to improve their practice in an identified area. Following these visits, Trust Champions meet with the Chief Executive Officer for ‘face to face’ meetings to discuss progress and identify any further required actions.
Our Trust Champions
Art & DT Champion
Nicola Rees Attendance Champion
Emma-Jo Kelly Computing Champion
Claire Chambers Sustainability Champion |
Kate Lay English Champion
Rachel Edwardson EYFS Champion
Joanna Crook Humanities Champion
Nicola Bush Maths Champion
Music Champion
Jemma Slater Parent Engagement Champion
Kayleigh Teasdale PE Champion
Personal Development Champion
Nicola Rees Pupil Premium Champion
Nicola Rees Safeguarding Champion
Claire Chambers Science Champion
Laura Brooks SENDCO Champion
Laura Brooks Student Support Staff Champion
Kirsty Evans Wellbeing Champion |
Jake Bower Outdoor Learning Champion |
The Trust’s TEAM Champions offer enables bespoke provision for each of our schools, ensuring the highest quality in all aspects of school life, beyond the curriculum. This provision is further supported by TEAMtogether which aligns with the Trust's Values.
School Improvement Partners
Our School Improvement Partners are highly experienced education practitioners to include former multi academy trust leaders, HMI and education specialists. The scope of support offered covers proven specialists in all stages of education from EYFS, Primary and Secondary, plus alternative provision.
The Trust’s school improvement team work alongside the school principal to provide support; the impact is evaluated by external reviewers. The resulting reports from external reviews on the Trust schools supports confidence that, since conversion in 2020, all schools would be in a significantly improved position if inspected.
The highly skilled School Improvement Partners are able to draw on considerable expertise as former school leaders, school inspectors and education practitioners with their specialist role in driving targeted areas of school improvement. This works in tandem with the Trust’s team of Champions who are expert practitioners in specific areas of education delivery.