TEAM Values & Intentions
TEAM Education Trust Five Year Plan (click here to view the document)
TEAM Education Trust was formed in June 2020. At that time, the country was in the midst of a health crisis, we were ‘locked-down’ and growth restricted to limit any potential for virus transmission.
In such challenging times, a young and exciting Trust was formed. The concept that ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ was tested to the limits, working together needed to be within bubbles, behind screens and, driven by necessity, it was without the possibility to interact in person. Perhaps our greatest challenge has led to our most significant successes.
Taking the lessons learnt within our first two years, the Trust is now able to set out an ambitious strategy for the next five years to ensure that every child in each of our schools receives an excellent education.
T.E.A.M. Education Trust - 'Together Everyone Achieves More'
Please click on the image to see the page in full
Our Mission, Vision and Values were developed by the trust's Central Team with consultation from all staff in our schools. These statements provide our focus and direction. We are here to work with our shared values 'TOGETHER' to achieve our vision to provide an inclusive environment enabling all our students to reach their full potential.
To provide an inclusive environment enabling all our students to flourish and reach their full potential within an enterprising and supportive setting.
Our vision at TEAM is to provide a high-quality learning environment where children are equipped with all they need to know and do for future success. We will do this through an excellent, holistic curriculum through embracing the latest technology and seek to be responsive to the needs of our children to prepare them for the world they will enter. Our TEAM will be supportive of staff who have the skills, knowledge, and passion to deliver excellent learning whilst facilitating a fully inclusive learning environment.
Together – working in collaboration to achieve more for our students, schools and communities.
Opportunity – access and engage with the very best to enable future success
Growth – enabling the Trust community to develop
Enterprise – nurturing a positive ‘can-do’ attitude to try new things
Trust – in ourselves to take risks and those around us to keep safe
Honesty – valuing integrity and truth in all we do
Excellence – setting out to achieve the highest standards in everything we do
Respect – for everyone and everything