Learning Together 2023-24
Learning together for schools
As leaders in schools, we know that there are education challenges that keep us awake at night. We believe in identifying and tackling the challenge head-on. We invest in our team and our extensive CPLD programme includes our 'Learning Together for Leaders' workshops. We commission three special, bespoke and intimate specialist training days for leaders to give them personal access to enable a high-impact outcome for their school.
Effective Attendance Practice : 13 November 2023
Working to the Government attendance expectations will be a statutory requirement for all schools in September this year. Wayne Harris is an expert in leading attendance in schools and will be delivering a framework to give you the support you may need.
Wayne's evidence-informed and child-centred approach is accredited with rapidly improving pupil attendance; he's worked with over 500 schools nationally and now he's coming to bring his insight to us.
This high-impact collaboration day is for school leaders/attendance leads who should be able to consider context, see beyond headlines and develop an understanding that actions change headlines.
No Outsiders: everyone’s different : 4 March 2024
Andrew Moffatt MBE developed the No Outsiders programme, a vision for ”inclusive education, promoting community cohesion to prepare young people and adults for life as global citizens."
Nominated for the Global Teacher Prize, we are delighted to welcome Andrew to lead this session. He is a highly-acclaimed author of books and educational resources to nurture diversity and tolerance in primary aged children.
Focusing on the No Outsiders ethos of language, belonging and inclusion and achieving this by developing confident educators, engaging with parents and empowering children, diversity and inclusion will be the forefront of what will be an exciting and thought-provoking collaboration day.
The Language of Education : 1 July 2024
Our Language of Education Workshop brings together the best in research-informed practice and the current discourse from across the global education debate.
This day will take a precision focus on topics arising within the academic year and offer a programme of targeted school improvement activities.
To book your place on any one of our workshops or to find out more, please email Nicola Rees, n.rees@teameducation.org